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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

IRS email scam

Spam is a pain and its getting advanced. The detectors cant even catch the most advanced spam. The button that identifies emails as spam sometimes even lets spam you already blocked in. One piece of advanced spam is the “Irs email scam”. Basically you get a email requesting vital information such as your social security number, address, credit card number and more. When you see the Irs you automatically think its safe (maybe) giving them your information. You should never give your personal information through email. Even dateline proved that some thieves hack into big corporations and steal people’s credit card numbers. The more the info is out in cyberspace the more easy it is to take. Be careful of the Irs email scam. Always remember most of the time you’ll never be ask for personal information through your email, not even most passwords are sent through emails, from any reputable company or in this case the government. This goes to show that thieves will use any means to take your identity. This is a very low sort of scam, using the federal government to steal from people is sad. Usually if a company wants info, they want you to go through their website.. Thieves will always advance their scams so this one will evolve more and then another scam will be invented. Always remember to trust your instinct.