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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Cellphone battery lagging

My cell phone used to last 5 days, until now it only last 1, now it last 3. How?

Well, first let me explain that not letting your battery discharge at least to 1/4 power, messes up the memory in the battery. How I fixed it (Note I have a V3m Razr)

lithium battery

1. Fully recharge the battery

2. Put it in the freezer for 2.5 hrs.

3. Take it out, let it sit for an hour (not in the phone)

4. Put it back in the phone and recharge it again.

5. Phone should last 40% longer.


Not using the manufactures charger can damage and lower battery life.

The car charger contributes to the battery not lasting long, the fast charge effect doesn't help the battery.

Try to use the home outlet to keep your battery life up.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Blog fight

It has been reported that over 70,000 blogs a day are going online. With all of that competition how do you get to the top? The answer is you fight! No not literally, not in a spamming sense either. Coming up with good content is hard. Unique content is even harder. Hopefully this post itself will bring in some viewers. I think that the best way to build your traffic is to do it organically, don’t use spam, or pop ups or banners. Just grow slow. If you get desperate buy some text links. Just use newsvine, digg, reddit, shoutwire and netscape to post interesting stories. Then use some article submission sites like ezine articles, isnare, and goarticles. You want to spread but not to fast. Make sure you have technorati, and that you ping. I use pingmore. To get crazy traffic just start a contest or a bet, I’ve seen a couple of successful bloggers do that. The fact is that if your gonna fight, go in swinging and pinging. Most importantly content is KING!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tx lifting ban on guns

The governor of Texas is trying to "fix" the problem of gun violence by removing the restrictions on concealed hand guns. Allowing them in schools, hospitals, ct rooms, and bars. Great, bring us back to the old west. Lets give everyone a gun and have a shoot out. Great idea! Rick Perry make it easier to kill more people, shouldn't their be an action to limit guns since virginia tech. Its a paradox!

Brain wave

WTF, play a video game with your mind. Help young adults with adhd and add. whats next futuristic war with mind control. click here