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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Cellphone battery lagging

My cell phone used to last 5 days, until now it only last 1, now it last 3. How?

Well, first let me explain that not letting your battery discharge at least to 1/4 power, messes up the memory in the battery. How I fixed it (Note I have a V3m Razr)

lithium battery

1. Fully recharge the battery

2. Put it in the freezer for 2.5 hrs.

3. Take it out, let it sit for an hour (not in the phone)

4. Put it back in the phone and recharge it again.

5. Phone should last 40% longer.


Not using the manufactures charger can damage and lower battery life.

The car charger contributes to the battery not lasting long, the fast charge effect doesn't help the battery.

Try to use the home outlet to keep your battery life up.