Viacom (CBS) is suing you tube (Google), for displaying clips of their shows like CSI and the Colbert report. I would like to know why. Being on you tube, wouldn’t you get more exposure, more fans, intern bringing more revenue. Won’t people get sick of the six minute clips and poor video quality and watch it on t.v. Viacom should think as you tube doing a service, like teaser trailers. It sounds like Redstone (ceo of Viacom) is trying to start something. There is the argument that they may lose veiwers. Some viewers don’t want to sit through the show or cant because their at work so they just watch it on you tube, or just to avoid commercials causing lost revenue. The marketing spreads the word and most likely expands the viewer-ship of the show, it should help more than it hurts. You tube is a necessity for low fan base shows or for marketing efforts. Surely CBS has figured it cause more loses. Notice they waited till google bought you tube.
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