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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trying to make money online

Type “Make money online” in Google and see the 144-million results and of these only 10,000 are even slightly legit. It amazes me to see the number of people that fall into these atrocious scams. Its disgusting and horrible. A couple proven ways to make money online includes selling stuff on eBay, amazon, building your own website and selling a product or using Adsense (or similar programs) and a few others. I know the eight hours a day are horrible believe me I have one, but investing in something that’s not realistic is even worse. Most scammers will lie just to get your money.

You know those survey sites, those are a bunch of bull. Most of them set you up with a point system that give you one to three points per survey and you can win prizes or you if want cash you got to have 1000 points to get $5, but you can't take out cash until you reach $30.00. Member fees reaching $49.99 this disappointment is not a “life changing system”. Please avoid these sites who promise you the world. Remember if everyone did it then it wouldn’t work.