I will admit I was pro bush during the first election. I was not sure about the war. But now I can say that I'm just plain confused, didn't we accomplish our mission 3 years ago. I sometimes feel like hes lying. Pro-war republicans and pro-war democrats are now changing their mind and congress is trying to pull out, but veto power is just too much too much of a power trip for bush. Thank god only one more year. Check out this funny clip from mad tv below.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Bush haters
I will admit I was pro bush during the first election. I was not sure about the war. But now I can say that I'm just plain confused, didn't we accomplish our mission 3 years ago. I sometimes feel like hes lying. Pro-war republicans and pro-war democrats are now changing their mind and congress is trying to pull out, but veto power is just too much too much of a power trip for bush. Thank god only one more year. Check out this funny clip from mad tv below.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Veto happy bush
Investing in nothing
Everyone is trying to make a buck either by honest hard work or stealing from unsuspecting victims. It will never stop. Billions of dollars a year are going to investing in scams. Sometimes you may get in desperate times and really need money to help your loved ones and invest in them, don’t. Better to get a sign and beg for money down the street.. On this blog I have listed information and links to protect you from getting scammed.
Identity theft - one of the worst scams on the planet and linked to a lot of scams. It can ruin your credit and put a stop on your life in seconds. Preventing it is easy. People steal you Identity right through the computer some spy ware, viruses, Trojans, and worms are designed to do this. Do regular virus scans on your computer and make sure to update it regularly and be sure to have a firewall and spyware protection, something like Spybot (its free), that helps clean your system and keep it up. Be weary of sites that you buy from make sure the site is trusted, and secure. Another medium is through the phone. As odd as it may seem the phone can be hacked, even cell phones, they listen to your conversation and get your information. Also burn or shred credit cards offers in the mail and be aware that some mail may contain your social security number or other important information. Checking your credit score can tell you what is going on with your credit. Millions are affected by identity theft every year and for months they don’t even know it there are people smarter than you and are trying to get you’re money.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Never get scammed again
Research, research, research, follow these steps
1. In google, yahoo, and msn, type:
“the product” reviews
“the product” forums
“the product”
2. Always wait a day before making the decision.
3. in order to avoid a company review, gather information on several sites.
Also remember to go with your gut instinct.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Bushes gas prices
Bush is always making up bs about how the gas prices will go down, look at them now, WTF is going on this is bs. check for the lowest prices here. also if you can buy it a t a wholesaler their usually cheaper, (ex. costco)
Free stuff is a biatch
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Never get spammed again
Friday, April 20, 2007
Top ten reasons Avp2 will suck
1. Avp sucked
2. A hybrid hatched out of a predator
3. One is from the 70’s and the other is from the late 80’s early 90’s
4. The “R” rating is not enough to bring back the series, although a good step
5. The story needs to be overhauled
6. No retruning characters from the original danny glover, Arnold, or Sigourney
7. A predator teams up with a human in avp
8. The setting isn’t right (a town)
9. The movie trailer will of course say its better
10. Their probably wont be the gore compared to the other films
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Harry potter will die
In the next movie I highly suspect that harry potter will die. I also suspect they will use his possible death in the trailer to get the audience rushing to see more. This is one of the most anticipated film's this summer why not have a twist.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
What needs to be learned from Virginia tech
Before we blame video games and movies and assess the motive lets figure out how to make security policies safer. First thing if you look at the timeline below you will see that their was a great pause in time between the first and second shooting a two hour pause. 45 minutes later their alerted of the situation and then 1 hour and fifteen minutes later a gun shoot was reported in the class room. We cant alert students to every possible thing we just need to put in place a signifier for the university to go in a lock down, mabey flashing lights and a siren of some sort. Only when major acts of violence are reported and until the suspect is caught, better yet cancel class that day. As a student of a university this made me sad and feel un safe, a school should be a place of peace. So before the media tries to string it out and blame different factors, lets put in place a nation wide plan at universities also I am not blaming the
The time line from here
@ 8 a.m. EST - Aimee Kanode, a freshman from Martinsville on the third floor of West Ambler
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Top ten ways to prevent identity theft
10. When one fraud instance happens report it otherwise it can snowball.
9. When you lose a credit or debit card don’t delay in reporting it lost.
8. Try no to let your credit card out of site!
7. Limit giving pertinent information over the phone.
6. Hide your pin, a lot of people don’t bother doing this, but it is important.
5. Picture on your credit & debit card, although the clerk doesn’t
always look at the card, his can help immensely.
4. Make sure your computer is free of viruses, adware and
spyware, before making a online purchase or using online banking.
3. Check your online banking frequently.
2. As weird as it may sound most identity theft occurs from people
you know, so beware of who you trust.
1. Monitor your credit score