Everyone is trying to make a buck either by honest hard work or stealing from unsuspecting victims. It will never stop. Billions of dollars a year are going to investing in scams. Sometimes you may get in desperate times and really need money to help your loved ones and invest in them, don’t. Better to get a sign and beg for money down the street.. On this blog I have listed information and links to protect you from getting scammed.
Identity theft - one of the worst scams on the planet and linked to a lot of scams. It can ruin your credit and put a stop on your life in seconds. Preventing it is easy. People steal you Identity right through the computer some spy ware, viruses, Trojans, and worms are designed to do this. Do regular virus scans on your computer and make sure to update it regularly and be sure to have a firewall and spyware protection, something like Spybot (its free), that helps clean your system and keep it up. Be weary of sites that you buy from make sure the site is trusted, and secure. Another medium is through the phone. As odd as it may seem the phone can be hacked, even cell phones, they listen to your conversation and get your information. Also burn or shred credit cards offers in the mail and be aware that some mail may contain your social security number or other important information. Checking your credit score can tell you what is going on with your credit. Millions are affected by identity theft every year and for months they don’t even know it there are people smarter than you and are trying to get you’re money.