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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What needs to be learned from Virginia tech

Before we blame video games and movies and assess the motive lets figure out how to make security policies safer. First thing if you look at the timeline below you will see that their was a great pause in time between the first and second shooting a two hour pause. 45 minutes later their alerted of the situation and then 1 hour and fifteen minutes later a gun shoot was reported in the class room. We cant alert students to every possible thing we just need to put in place a signifier for the university to go in a lock down, mabey flashing lights and a siren of some sort. Only when major acts of violence are reported and until the suspect is caught, better yet cancel class that day. As a student of a university this made me sad and feel un safe, a school should be a place of peace. So before the media tries to string it out and blame different factors, lets put in place a nation wide plan at universities also I am not blaming the Virginia tech university. Its not like this is a regular occurring thing, a procedure needs to be set up.

The time line from here

@ 7:15 a.m. EST - Shootings reported at Va. Tech campus at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed residence hall that houses 895 people.

@ 8 a.m. EST - Aimee Kanode, a freshman from Martinsville on the third floor of West Ambler Johnston dormitory says she was notified to stay in her room by her resident assistant.

@ 9:15 a.m. EST - A shooting reported at Norris Hall, an engineering building.

@ 9:47 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com, a Virginia Tech student news site, reports shots were fired on campus in West Ambler Johnson Hall.

@ 10:04 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com reports the university encourages everyone to stay indoors and away from windows. West Ambler Johnston and Squires are locked down.

@ 10:20 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com reports, all classes are canceled.

@ 10:36 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com reports, due to serious wind helicopters cannot be used to transfer the injured. According to police scanners, ambulances used to transport the victims to Montgomery Regional Hospital.