I Love free services. After all aren’t we supposed to be a free country. There are millions of free software downloads that are grand. Some allow you to download music, make word-like documents, convert files, and even do your taxes. You may wonder how these people make money. Some of these guys attach Spyware and adware to there software with you only noticing your computer being slower, you may think who cares, well you should care these programs go undetected into your system and can put you into a world of trouble. Some are only to see what web pages you have been to and others are created to get your personal information. You should always remember if it sounds to good it is. Not all are bad programs, look at Google providing a array of services . Just remember many on the internet are trying to make a buck if it involves selling your email to a spammer then they will do it, if it involves stealing your personal info they will do it. There are over fifty six million websites on the internet so be careful and watch those free services.
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