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Sunday, April 8, 2007
A experience in sales
Its Friday morning the air is polluted, but the weather is nice and you’re going to a sales meeting for selling cellphones . Yesterday one of your customers checked bounce and your company charged you $75, but you didn’t know that yet. Your working on commission so you have to prove your worth and also pay for your customers personal mistakes. The sales manager says good job rameriez, roud, and fiddler (none of which are you). Half of the team has barely sold 3 phones and the manager is saying it’s a good week, because he’s getting kickbacks on your $150. You can’t eat because you didn’t make enough sales last month, because your location was literally a ghost town and yes you’ve already planned to quit but your waiting for your check to clear to salvage what you can. The boss says “alright its time to go from independent contractors to corporations”, “yea right I’m not doing that”. As he’s babbling on, you are thinking about your new job and how you get paid every hour and you wonder how the 20 of the 30 people around you are living. Then you start to wonder about the 10 of 30 who are doing good and then you remember how crooked your company is and you start to realize how they money. Working with one of them you’ve seen them charge a customer double and when the customer asked for a one year contract they changed it to a two year, because in 15 days there is nothing you can do to change it, and a two year brings the salesman 50 dollars more. You've also seen the employyes give customers expired mail in rebates.You see people quit left an right, you see people make a lot of money just for the reason their in the prime store were business falls into. One of the salesman at the prime store won't even talk to the computer geek that comes around, yet hes making five times as much as you; whom has sold phones before and did do pretty well for himself. You think about protesting the company but remember that you’re the little guy. Then you begin to think how crazy the world is and how finding a good job is challenging. The boss finally concludes his speech and talks about how honest he is when making a sale, even though while working phones within two hours 15 people complain about the man and him lying so much. When you feel this way you know your working at a bad company