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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How much would it cost to buy your credit card number?

Although it may seem unreal tens of thousands of credit card numbers are stolen and then sold every week. Buying and selling credit card numbers, what kind of person does this. Usually a person is a poor pathetic excuse for a human being. Corporations need to bump up their security so peoples important information is not vulnerable to get stolen. Its almost as if they want it to happen. Corporations should not be allowed to store your personal information if they cannot protect it. I mean would you allow random people to walk around with your credit card, hell no, the obvious fact is the more its out their the more it is likely to be stolen. Their are some security measure’s to insure that this does not happen. My personal favorite measure is to check my accounts with online banking, Just be sure the computer is free of adware and viruses. Checking it frequently is not as imposing as it may sound. Identity theft is like slamming into a brick wall and then it puts a massive hold on life, its not fun. Alternatively, we need could develop a phone service through text messages that sends a message to your phone to report possible identity theft. As idiotic as it may sound future technology will permit our cell phones to be used like a credit card (by waving the phone over the cc machine), why so thieves can run our wireless bill through the roof and max out our credit cards at the same time. That’s real smart.