I will admit I was pro bush during the first election. I was not sure about the war. But now I can say that I'm just plain confused, didn't we accomplish our mission 3 years ago. I sometimes feel like hes lying. Pro-war republicans and pro-war democrats are now changing their mind and congress is trying to pull out, but veto power is just too much too much of a power trip for bush. Thank god only one more year. Check out this funny clip from mad tv below.
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Monday, April 30, 2007
Bush haters
I will admit I was pro bush during the first election. I was not sure about the war. But now I can say that I'm just plain confused, didn't we accomplish our mission 3 years ago. I sometimes feel like hes lying. Pro-war republicans and pro-war democrats are now changing their mind and congress is trying to pull out, but veto power is just too much too much of a power trip for bush. Thank god only one more year. Check out this funny clip from mad tv below.