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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Never get spammed again

Spam something that many hate more than any thing. First thing you need to know is how you get it. Well you know how when you submit your email to a news settler or email submission websites. Well they sale your email to other companies for a profit. They’ll even through in the occasional “we don’t sell your information” or “you can trust us” and all that bs if you don’t want it here is what I recommend. Get two email addresses one for school, work, church, friends and family, and other important things and then setup another. For your news settlers and your other email submission sites. Now you say but I trust so and so, well don’t its just not worth it and surprisingly its not that bad having two email addresses, its pretty easy. Spam is sort of a promotional, annoying, nobody wants, marketing gimmick type thing that is just plain dumb. Some times the spammer even makes you think that it is a real individual person who is sending you a message when it turns out to be nothing more than a phony. You know those messages you get on myspace, “Im using my friends account…” or “check out my webcam”, those are the same thing they just put it on the social networking websites to try to get you to buy some product or watch some commercial. Sometimes its hard to distinguish spam from real messages, just mark it as scam when it hits your box