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Monday, October 8, 2007

Longorias tape?


-check it out

Monday, October 1, 2007

This guy's real smart.

wii still selling out-

Ai'nt nothing will stop this tornado of a machine, its going to rock this holiday. I know of x box fans and ps3 fans who are selling theirs just to get one, wii is sure to blow out any come back from the two titans

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

iphone hack craze

Phones have been being hacked sense they've first came out. All this talk about why cant apple keep people from hacking is just a bunch of bull. People can even still clone phones. Their are businesses that will hack a phone so it can be put on another network for you.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Ways to save some doe

1. If going for a bach. degree take advantage of community colleges because after all its where you finish that matters, also they can be up to 1/5 of the cost.

2. Buy your books on amazon or Google cheap textbooks.

3. Take advantage of the school meal plan.

4. Know what degree your going to get before you go- take a personality or aptitude test.

5. Fill out a Fasfa in January of the year you choose to go to school.

6. Register early so you get the schedule you want

Sunday, August 26, 2007


The movie invasion was ok the only problem was the actors, besides the main ones, they were horrible. The main problem was it did not feel real.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Cellphone battery lagging

My cell phone used to last 5 days, until now it only last 1, now it last 3. How?

Well, first let me explain that not letting your battery discharge at least to 1/4 power, messes up the memory in the battery. How I fixed it (Note I have a V3m Razr)

lithium battery

1. Fully recharge the battery

2. Put it in the freezer for 2.5 hrs.

3. Take it out, let it sit for an hour (not in the phone)

4. Put it back in the phone and recharge it again.

5. Phone should last 40% longer.


Not using the manufactures charger can damage and lower battery life.

The car charger contributes to the battery not lasting long, the fast charge effect doesn't help the battery.

Try to use the home outlet to keep your battery life up.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Blog fight

It has been reported that over 70,000 blogs a day are going online. With all of that competition how do you get to the top? The answer is you fight! No not literally, not in a spamming sense either. Coming up with good content is hard. Unique content is even harder. Hopefully this post itself will bring in some viewers. I think that the best way to build your traffic is to do it organically, don’t use spam, or pop ups or banners. Just grow slow. If you get desperate buy some text links. Just use newsvine, digg, reddit, shoutwire and netscape to post interesting stories. Then use some article submission sites like ezine articles, isnare, and goarticles. You want to spread but not to fast. Make sure you have technorati, and that you ping. I use pingmore. To get crazy traffic just start a contest or a bet, I’ve seen a couple of successful bloggers do that. The fact is that if your gonna fight, go in swinging and pinging. Most importantly content is KING!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Tx lifting ban on guns

The governor of Texas is trying to "fix" the problem of gun violence by removing the restrictions on concealed hand guns. Allowing them in schools, hospitals, ct rooms, and bars. Great, bring us back to the old west. Lets give everyone a gun and have a shoot out. Great idea! Rick Perry make it easier to kill more people, shouldn't their be an action to limit guns since virginia tech. Its a paradox!

Brain wave

WTF, play a video game with your mind. Help young adults with adhd and add. whats next futuristic war with mind control. click here

Monday, April 30, 2007

Bush haters

I will admit I was pro bush during the first election. I was not sure about the war. But now I can say that I'm just plain confused, didn't we accomplish our mission 3 years ago. I sometimes feel like hes lying. Pro-war republicans and pro-war democrats are now changing their mind and congress is trying to pull out, but veto power is just too much too much of a power trip for bush. Thank god only one more year. Check out this funny clip from mad tv below.

The best free stuff

Click here to Look at some of the hottest free utilities on the net.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Veto happy bush


As long as bush is in the white house he will veto anything he doesn’t like. It looks like democrats are going to have to wait another year to get what the troops out, bush has his own motives though.

Investing in nothing

Everyone is trying to make a buck either by honest hard work or stealing from unsuspecting victims. It will never stop. Billions of dollars a year are going to investing in scams. Sometimes you may get in desperate times and really need money to help your loved ones and invest in them, don’t. Better to get a sign and beg for money down the street.. On this blog I have listed information and links to protect you from getting scammed.

Identity theft - one of the worst scams on the planet and linked to a lot of scams. It can ruin your credit and put a stop on your life in seconds. Preventing it is easy. People steal you Identity right through the computer some spy ware, viruses, Trojans, and worms are designed to do this. Do regular virus scans on your computer and make sure to update it regularly and be sure to have a firewall and spyware protection, something like Spybot (its free), that helps clean your system and keep it up. Be weary of sites that you buy from make sure the site is trusted, and secure. Another medium is through the phone. As odd as it may seem the phone can be hacked, even cell phones, they listen to your conversation and get your information. Also burn or shred credit cards offers in the mail and be aware that some mail may contain your social security number or other important information. Checking your credit score can tell you what is going on with your credit. Millions are affected by identity theft every year and for months they don’t even know it there are people smarter than you and are trying to get you’re money.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Never get scammed again

Research, research, research, follow these steps

1. In google, yahoo, and msn, type:

“the product” reviews

“the product” forums

“the product”

2. Always wait a day before making the decision.

3. in order to avoid a company review, gather information on several sites.

Also remember to go with your gut instinct.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bushes gas prices


Bush is always making up bs about how the gas prices will go down, look at them now, WTF is going on this is bs. check for the lowest prices here. also if you can buy it a t a wholesaler their usually cheaper, (ex. costco)

Will Ferrell funny video

if you havent seen will Ferrell new video check it out

Free stuff is a biatch

I Love free services. After all aren’t we supposed to be a free country. There are millions of free software downloads that are grand. Some allow you to download music, make word-like documents, convert files, and even do your taxes. You may wonder how these people make money. Some of these guys attach Spyware and adware to there software with you only noticing your computer being slower, you may think who cares, well you should care these programs go undetected into your system and can put you into a world of trouble. Some are only to see what web pages you have been to and others are created to get your personal information. You should always remember if it sounds to good it is. Not all are bad programs, look at Google providing a array of services . Just remember many on the internet are trying to make a buck if it involves selling your email to a spammer then they will do it, if it involves stealing your personal info they will do it. There are over fifty six million websites on the internet so be careful and watch those free services.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Never get spammed again

Spam something that many hate more than any thing. First thing you need to know is how you get it. Well you know how when you submit your email to a news settler or email submission websites. Well they sale your email to other companies for a profit. They’ll even through in the occasional “we don’t sell your information” or “you can trust us” and all that bs if you don’t want it here is what I recommend. Get two email addresses one for school, work, church, friends and family, and other important things and then setup another. For your news settlers and your other email submission sites. Now you say but I trust so and so, well don’t its just not worth it and surprisingly its not that bad having two email addresses, its pretty easy. Spam is sort of a promotional, annoying, nobody wants, marketing gimmick type thing that is just plain dumb. Some times the spammer even makes you think that it is a real individual person who is sending you a message when it turns out to be nothing more than a phony. You know those messages you get on myspace, “Im using my friends account…” or “check out my webcam”, those are the same thing they just put it on the social networking websites to try to get you to buy some product or watch some commercial. Sometimes its hard to distinguish spam from real messages, just mark it as scam when it hits your box

Friday, April 20, 2007

Top ten reasons Avp2 will suck

1. Avp sucked

2. A hybrid hatched out of a predator

3. One is from the 70’s and the other is from the late 80’s early 90’s

4. The “R” rating is not enough to bring back the series, although a good step

5. The story needs to be overhauled

6. No retruning characters from the original danny glover, Arnold, or Sigourney

7. A predator teams up with a human in avp

8. The setting isn’t right (a town)

9. The movie trailer will of course say its better

10. Their probably wont be the gore compared to the other films

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Harry potter will die

In the next movie I highly suspect that harry potter will die. I also suspect they will use his possible death in the trailer to get the audience rushing to see more. This is one of the most anticipated film's this summer why not have a twist.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What needs to be learned from Virginia tech

Before we blame video games and movies and assess the motive lets figure out how to make security policies safer. First thing if you look at the timeline below you will see that their was a great pause in time between the first and second shooting a two hour pause. 45 minutes later their alerted of the situation and then 1 hour and fifteen minutes later a gun shoot was reported in the class room. We cant alert students to every possible thing we just need to put in place a signifier for the university to go in a lock down, mabey flashing lights and a siren of some sort. Only when major acts of violence are reported and until the suspect is caught, better yet cancel class that day. As a student of a university this made me sad and feel un safe, a school should be a place of peace. So before the media tries to string it out and blame different factors, lets put in place a nation wide plan at universities also I am not blaming the Virginia tech university. Its not like this is a regular occurring thing, a procedure needs to be set up.

The time line from here

@ 7:15 a.m. EST - Shootings reported at Va. Tech campus at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed residence hall that houses 895 people.

@ 8 a.m. EST - Aimee Kanode, a freshman from Martinsville on the third floor of West Ambler Johnston dormitory says she was notified to stay in her room by her resident assistant.

@ 9:15 a.m. EST - A shooting reported at Norris Hall, an engineering building.

@ 9:47 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com, a Virginia Tech student news site, reports shots were fired on campus in West Ambler Johnson Hall.

@ 10:04 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com reports the university encourages everyone to stay indoors and away from windows. West Ambler Johnston and Squires are locked down.

@ 10:20 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com reports, all classes are canceled.

@ 10:36 a.m. - CollegiateTimes.com reports, due to serious wind helicopters cannot be used to transfer the injured. According to police scanners, ambulances used to transport the victims to Montgomery Regional Hospital.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Top ten ways to prevent identity theft

10. When one fraud instance happens report it otherwise it can snowball.

9. When you lose a credit or debit card don’t delay in reporting it lost.

8. Try no to let your credit card out of site!

7. Limit giving pertinent information over the phone.

6. Hide your pin, a lot of people don’t bother doing this, but it is important.

5. Picture on your credit & debit card, although the clerk doesn’t

always look at the card, his can help immensely.

4. Make sure your computer is free of viruses, adware and

spyware, before making a online purchase or using online banking.

3. Check your online banking frequently.

2. As weird as it may sound most identity theft occurs from people

you know, so beware of who you trust.

1. Monitor your credit score

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How much would it cost to buy your credit card number?

Although it may seem unreal tens of thousands of credit card numbers are stolen and then sold every week. Buying and selling credit card numbers, what kind of person does this. Usually a person is a poor pathetic excuse for a human being. Corporations need to bump up their security so peoples important information is not vulnerable to get stolen. Its almost as if they want it to happen. Corporations should not be allowed to store your personal information if they cannot protect it. I mean would you allow random people to walk around with your credit card, hell no, the obvious fact is the more its out their the more it is likely to be stolen. Their are some security measure’s to insure that this does not happen. My personal favorite measure is to check my accounts with online banking, Just be sure the computer is free of adware and viruses. Checking it frequently is not as imposing as it may sound. Identity theft is like slamming into a brick wall and then it puts a massive hold on life, its not fun. Alternatively, we need could develop a phone service through text messages that sends a message to your phone to report possible identity theft. As idiotic as it may sound future technology will permit our cell phones to be used like a credit card (by waving the phone over the cc machine), why so thieves can run our wireless bill through the roof and max out our credit cards at the same time. That’s real smart.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

A experience in sales

Its Friday morning the air is polluted, but the weather is nice and you’re going to a sales meeting for selling cellphones . Yesterday one of your customers checked bounce and your company charged you $75, but you didn’t know that yet. Your working on commission so you have to prove your worth and also pay for your customers personal mistakes. The sales manager says good job rameriez, roud, and fiddler (none of which are you). Half of the team has barely sold 3 phones and the manager is saying it’s a good week, because he’s getting kickbacks on your $150. You can’t eat because you didn’t make enough sales last month, because your location was literally a ghost town and yes you’ve already planned to quit but your waiting for your check to clear to salvage what you can. The boss says “alright its time to go from independent contractors to corporations”, “yea right I’m not doing that”. As he’s babbling on, you are thinking about your new job and how you get paid every hour and you wonder how the 20 of the 30 people around you are living. Then you start to wonder about the 10 of 30 who are doing good and then you remember how crooked your company is and you start to realize how they money. Working with one of them you’ve seen them charge a customer double and when the customer asked for a one year contract they changed it to a two year, because in 15 days there is nothing you can do to change it, and a two year brings the salesman 50 dollars more. You've also seen the employyes give customers expired mail in rebates.You see people quit left an right, you see people make a lot of money just for the reason their in the prime store were business falls into. One of the salesman at the prime store won't even talk to the computer geek that comes around, yet hes making five times as much as you; whom has sold phones before and did do pretty well for himself. You think about protesting the company but remember that you’re the little guy. Then you begin to think how crazy the world is and how finding a good job is challenging. The boss finally concludes his speech and talks about how honest he is when making a sale, even though while working phones within two hours 15 people complain about the man and him lying so much. When you feel this way you know your working at a bad company

Poetry winner

Certificate of bull, (For your poetry)!


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Poetry scam

A few years back may friend told me about this poetry contest. I’m not much of a writer, but I tried out any way. A couple months later they told me that I was one of the finalist in the competition. They also told me that I had to buy my own hotel, airline ticket, and rental car to go to the contest. Well I didn’t have the money for that. I had took my poem to a college professor and he said that it was in desperate need of editing, many grammar and spelling errors, and that’s when I read about it on forums I learned that it was all a scam. Later, they then sent me a letter if I would like a plaque and a book for sixty dollars for winning the poetry contest I didn’t even go to. My friend around the same time got the same letters. Some of these companies offer to put you’re poem in a book and on a web page for writing so “well”. People are lead on when the poetry site tells them about how good there poem is. So remember no matter what any website tells you, you need to research. I am currently writing a e-book on how to identify a scam. It evolves a process that is sure to identity even the trickiest scams and don’t worry its going to be free. Don’t be ashamed if you get scammed, believe it or not even doctors and lawyers get scammed out of their money.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

IRS email scam

Spam is a pain and its getting advanced. The detectors cant even catch the most advanced spam. The button that identifies emails as spam sometimes even lets spam you already blocked in. One piece of advanced spam is the “Irs email scam”. Basically you get a email requesting vital information such as your social security number, address, credit card number and more. When you see the Irs you automatically think its safe (maybe) giving them your information. You should never give your personal information through email. Even dateline proved that some thieves hack into big corporations and steal people’s credit card numbers. The more the info is out in cyberspace the more easy it is to take. Be careful of the Irs email scam. Always remember most of the time you’ll never be ask for personal information through your email, not even most passwords are sent through emails, from any reputable company or in this case the government. This goes to show that thieves will use any means to take your identity. This is a very low sort of scam, using the federal government to steal from people is sad. Usually if a company wants info, they want you to go through their website.. Thieves will always advance their scams so this one will evolve more and then another scam will be invented. Always remember to trust your instinct.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Cbs vs google

Viacom (CBS) is suing you tube (Google), for displaying clips of their shows like CSI and the Colbert report. I would like to know why. Being on you tube, wouldn’t you get more exposure, more fans, intern bringing more revenue. Won’t people get sick of the six minute clips and poor video quality and watch it on t.v. Viacom should think as you tube doing a service, like teaser trailers. It sounds like Redstone (ceo of Viacom) is trying to start something. There is the argument that they may lose veiwers. Some viewers don’t want to sit through the show or cant because their at work so they just watch it on you tube, or just to avoid commercials causing lost revenue. The marketing spreads the word and most likely expands the viewer-ship of the show, it should help more than it hurts. You tube is a necessity for low fan base shows or for marketing efforts. Surely CBS has figured it cause more loses. Notice they waited till google bought you tube.

Lets hit a billion dollar company instead of a million dollar company, heck we could use the extra cash. This may not even be a suit to get of you tube it could be just for some extra cash in the bank. Whatever it is I believe that there are some sort of laws that will protect you tube and make sure that they cant be sewed. One thing is for sure google will fight to the end and most likely prevail.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Dateline going after id thieves

Dateline Tuesday March 28, at 8pm (cst) is going to investigate Identity theft. A billion dollar industry that affects more than ten million people a year nationally This will be interesting especially since dateline has been researching this for a whole year. Keeping Americans aware of it well help avoid it. I encourage everyone to watch it. This should be a good show it will keep you interested and it will bring you closer to the truth. Believe me id theft stops your life and it is so hard to recover from. Don’t be a victim and don’t miss this episode of Dateline.

Even the people closest to you will steal it. These Id thieves do not care about you. For them your just another number. Some of the most elaborate thieves steal hundreds of credit card numbers. Then encrypt the location of the funds making it harder to track. By watching dateline we can explore this ludicrous act that has affected many. Dateline will most likely interview several victims and several of the thieves themselves. Also it will explore the reason behind it, why they do it and who they target. And finally they will give you the best means to protect yourself and teach you how to notice it early on. It will build a defensive tool box that you can use to protect yourself and not let anyone take a ride on your money. Learn the tricks and you wont be a victim.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Getting rid of junk mail

Junk mail, it’s like spam only more irritating. It seems like everyday I get it. It’s really annoying when it’s not marked. You think its important, only to find a credit card offer or some stupid “opportunity”. Around 10% of Identity theft occurs throw the mail, because its not disposed of properly Junk mailers should get together and send out shredders to everyone. There are three main shredders, the line strip, the cross cut, and the diamond cut which is used for accounting firms and meet standards for the department of defense and provides a higher level of security. But in the end it doesn’t really matter at least it getting shredded A shredder is just one tool that helps to stop Identity thefts. We usually get our Identities stolen by our own negligence.

One solution is to try and get off the mailing list. Some of the junk mail contains words like “remove me from the mailing list” ( I think the one I found was in a capital one offer, one that they sent me every week for years). Call that number and request to get off it. It usually takes a couple of months to get off the list but it’s a relief when it happens, if you can’t find that take a look at this.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trying to make money online

Type “Make money online” in Google and see the 144-million results and of these only 10,000 are even slightly legit. It amazes me to see the number of people that fall into these atrocious scams. Its disgusting and horrible. A couple proven ways to make money online includes selling stuff on eBay, amazon, building your own website and selling a product or using Adsense (or similar programs) and a few others. I know the eight hours a day are horrible believe me I have one, but investing in something that’s not realistic is even worse. Most scammers will lie just to get your money.

You know those survey sites, those are a bunch of bull. Most of them set you up with a point system that give you one to three points per survey and you can win prizes or you if want cash you got to have 1000 points to get $5, but you can't take out cash until you reach $30.00. Member fees reaching $49.99 this disappointment is not a “life changing system”. Please avoid these sites who promise you the world. Remember if everyone did it then it wouldn’t work.